'Prevent' is the name given to a national strategy which aims to stop people from becoming violent extremists or supporting terrorism.
As part of our commitment to this we ensure:
- Our Safeguarding Policy details our approach to implementing the 'Prevent' strategy, including where necessary making swift referrals.
- All members of the Senior Leadership Team, all Designated Safeguarding Leads, and all class teachers are trained to implement this strategy.
- School computers have appropriate filter systems to prevent children accessing inappropriate material.
- External speakers are verified as appropriate.
- British Values are promoted in school.
- We work closely with our local community, parents and carers to ensure radicalisation is not taking place at home or in our community.
- Use all information available to monitor travel destinations for our families.
To find out more about the strategy and how it works in Southampton and Hampshire click here. Full contact details are provided if you have concerns you wish to report.