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Fairisle Junior School

FairisleJunior SchoolSouthampton

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At Fairisle Junior School, the intent of our Religious Education curriculum is to help children acquire and develop their knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other religions which are represented in Great Britain. We encourage children to appreciate the ways that religious beliefs can shape lives, influence behaviour and the choices that people make. Children will develop their ability to make informed judgements about religious and moral issues or concepts to enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 

Our RE curriculum aims to inspire and motivate our children to become self-reflective learners. It is designed to link closely with our PSHE curriculum, encompassing the Fundamental British Values and Protected Characteristics. 

We cover three main religions. Every year group has the opportunity to explore Christianity in depth through various units of work.  Years 3 and 4 learn about Hinduism and children in Years 5 and 6 learn about Islam. Children in Year 5 and 6 also have a unit of learning about Humanism. Religious Education is taught through an enquiry-based approach made up of the following steps: Inquire, Contextualise, Evaluate, Communicate and Apply. Key concepts are revisited in different contexts and children are encouraged to reflect on how these concepts relate to their own lives. We follow Living Difference iV (The Agreed RE Syllabus for Hampshire, IoW, Portsmouth and Southampton) for our curriculum planning. 

Here is some of our RE learning:

We visit different places of worship. Year 3 visit Lordshill Church.

Year 4 visit the Vedic Society Hindu Temple.